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Healthy Snacks!

Healthy snacks, Happy kids!

Dear Warren School Families:

Our students work very hard during the school day, balancing academic and social time, physical activity and fun!   It’s a busy day and kids need energy to keep going and be successful.
Studies have shown that healthy eating can help learners in the classroom.  A Center for Disease Control and Prevention report showed that “eating a healthy diet and being physically active can balance kids’ energy levels for optimal attentiveness, increase focus and improve their overall academic performance”   (CDC July, 2016).

Every class has a dedicated snacktime built into their schedule and it is important to provide children with healthy and nutritious snacks to re-energize and keep their bodies and brains ready to learn.    Please be thoughtful when packing your child’s snacks for school. Try to stay away from sugary sweet treats, candy, soda and too much juice. Instead, try snacks with protein, healthy fats and carbohydrates for energy and brain development.  Below, please find a list of fun, nutritious and yummy snacks!

Try one of these healthy snacks this week!

  • Hummus (with carrots, pretzels, crackers for dipping)
  • Fruit (strawberries, grapes, apple, banana, blueberries, orange, melon)
  • Yogurt
  • Crackers (grahams, goldfish, animal crackers)
  • Granola bars
  • Cut veggies (carrots, celery, cucumber, peppers)
  • Cheese stick or sliced cheese
  • Peanut butter or other nut butters (with apple slices or pretzels for dipping) * always adhere to the school allergy policy!*
  • Applesauce
  • Cottage cheese (with fruit for dipping)
  • Protein bars/cereal bars
  • Fruit leather
  • Trail mix
  • Dried Fruit

Thank you for your help in keeping our students healthy, happy and energized!
Your Warren School Counselors,

Lucie Ftorek,  Julie Baker & Ann Myers


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